Tuesday 21 October 2014

Connecting students with nature

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Starting next week I am going to be working on my "magic spot" project with students.  I have been doing this without technology for a couple of years but I want to incorporate technology more meaningfully into the students work. 

So, starting next week I will be taking a couple of grade three students and some iPads outside.  They will take a photograph of their spot.  With hope we will get outside every school day and take a photo.  We will then put these photos together into a stop motion video. 

I hope to create deeper connections between people and places. Often at international schools I feel that students and teachers do not feel connected to their place.  When people feel more connected they will be more likely to take action for their space (check out my thesis if you're really more interested in this). 

Would love some ideas if anyone has them. 


  1. I think the best way to make a stop motion movie is to set the camera (iPad) up on a tripod. How are you going to mark your spot?

    1. Thanks Thomas.

      Tripod is a great idea. They choose their spots on their own. We will always be close I don't know if we need exact. Maybe

  2. I've been playing with apps like Garageband - allowing the sounds of nature and the dialogue around reflection or interviews between students to mix in those reflection spots. I'll be paying attention to what you folks accomplish!

    1. Thanks Rob.

      The garage band idea is brilliant. I was just focusing on sight not sound

  3. Perhaps students can add in reflective text (How does this magic spot make me feel?). Or it could include a poem.

  4. Thanks for this! We often reflect in circles after class, but this would be a great way to incorporate the technology side and share our magic spots more easily.
