cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by MaRS Discovery District: |
Thankfully this allows me to talk about integrating good global citizens into my lessons this week. We can talk about what responsibility means to us in a digital and natural world, and how often those things are connected. Most of my students know what it means to treat their classmates with respect, making that connection to posting pictures of others online makes sense to most of them. Making the extension that these actions (both positive and negative) last longer online then they do in the classroom can be a difficult concept, but we have looked up the first website, and that makes it possible to see how long things last online (even if they are no longer as relevant as they once were).
Responsibility to a community is something I feel we need to highlight in these lessons, and I can talk about our responsibility to the natural world as well. Citing sources is like where we get our resources from. We need to be aware of where these things come from and treat their origins with respect. Thinking about how we interact with others is extremely important in order to help our community reach its full potential.
When I think about permaculture principles (the ones we made for the kids, Earth care, People care, Fair Share) I think it is easy to put these ideas into our digital citizenship classes. I guess what I'm really wondering is how Digital citizenship is different from citizenship, any ideas?