Wednesday 13 November 2013

Embracing being a beginner

Earlier in my blogging I talked about being comfortable being a beginner (thanks Jeff Utecht).  For now I think I am, I know I am constantly beginning something, and as I trek forward with tech, I just have to know that I am a beginner, constantly, so embrace it right?

With my tech job I realize it's not just me who has to be comfortable.  Some of my colleagues are getting frustrated with trying to keep up with "all this tech stuff". I try to remind them that it is all a process, we are only trying to use a couple of apps right now on the iPad and we are working on students creating.  I want them to be the coaches I wrote about earlier. But some of them still feel the need to be knowledge givers, not continuous learners.

So I'm wondering how do I help foster this with my team.  We talk about it all the time, I model it in my team teaching classes.  I am comfortable being a beginner but I know not everyone is... so what do I do?

Loved working with the research tool on google docs, totally opened up so many doors!


  1. I think you are doing exactly what you should be doing - modelling, reminding them we're all beginners, and taking small steps. You might want to highlight some of the positive experiences and successes you make with certain teachers in order to demonstrate to the rest the learning process and what can be achieved. Just saying........

    1. Great idea, showing off success. I remind them of all their personal successes and how I feel we are way further along than people expected. But specific feedback is always important.
