Tuesday 21 May 2013

Comfortable being a beginner?

Reports are done, it was great to see all the progress our community has made throughout the year. As I've been reflecting on this, and my new position (in tech) I've been thinking a lot about this idea of being a beginner.

Jeff Utecht posted this on his blog sometime last year. I've been rereading it just about every month, mostly to remind myself, to be comfortable in new situations. As teachers, I feel that we are under some obligation to know, have experience, or have mastery of something.  Our tech world is constantly changing and evolving, so we are always beginners, or should be if we subscribe to this idea of life long learning.

My new position, is going to make me uncomfortable at times. I'm not the kind of person who really wants to call myself a technology leader. I understand that it is useful, I see an amazing opprotunity to engage learners, I hope for the best, but I don't feel like I'm leading. Jeff's post really reminds me that, it is okay to feel that way, for that, I'm really thankful.

As always, I want to know more about incorporting slow pedagogy, or environmental education into this new tech position. I wonder, what the future holds, and what information, or skills we really need.

Thanks Jeff

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